A free design by NodeThirtyThree + FCT

Something scenic

This is Nonzero, a free, fully standards-compliant CSS template designed by NodeThirtyThree for Free CSS Templates, released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. The photos in this design are from PDPhoto.org. You're free to use this template for anything as long as you link back to my site. Enjoy :)

Be sure to check out some of my commercial work over at 4Templates.

Pellentesque augue. Quisque eu sem sed lacus tincidunt posuere. Praesent nunc augue, laoreet eu, consectetuer eget, tempus eget, neque. Donec felis. Duis nec neque in bibendum rutrum. Donec viverra porta magna. Ut sit amet libero ac mauris fringilla faucibus. Maecenas tristique velit in arcu.

Specifics about Nonzero

This design comes in the following low-sodium flavors: red, green, blue, magenta, and brown.

It also includes several alternate page layouts: three column (fixed width), two column (fixed width), columnless (fixed width), three column (fluid width), two column (fluid width), and columnless (fluid width). You can also change the width of the fixed width layouts if needed. See the style.css file for more thought-provoking details.

And now for a profound quote by the great philosopher, Lorem Ipsum: Mauris neque adipiscing lacus, ac hendrerit augue odio in mi. In ultrices enim. Curabitur a massa sed risus viverra mollis. Proin dapibus mi porttitor nisi. Donec eget nibh dictum magna iaculis pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at ligula. Donec tellus. Etiam sem. Sed quis urna. Duis tempor elit ac nulla. And don't you forget it.